Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lessons Learned

I learned a big lesson the other day. You know how sometimes in church or in General Conference there are a few talks or lessons that you felt spoke to you? Well, I had such an experience.
We talked about how sometimes we may all like to judge people and just vent to others about other people (a-hem...gossiping). Well, this sweet sister in the RS said something that stuck to me. She said, "At times, you feel like yelling at a person for their negligence or for whatever they did, but who are we to judge?" I really agree with her about that. I know that I have my fair share of gossiping and yes, I do jump to conlusions a times and judge a person, but I'm going to work on not doing that anymore.
I felt bad after she said that because she was right, and I know I need to change.

Other than that, I'm heading to my home, California! My cousin is having her Quinceanera, so I'm going down. It will be so nice to see all my family that I haven't seen in over two years, but I will feel half empty. Why you say? Well, my Brandon won't be coming with me. He just got promoted as Supervisor at UPS, so he can't miss any days so soon. It would make him look unprofessional. Anyways, I will be fine. I love my husband, and I'm going to try a little harder to be a little better.

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